Run Pairings: BBQ Edition

If you look at the title page for this website, you'll see that it is about running, parenting, and living well in midlife.  Consider this part of "living well." You also could file this under "more reasons to run."  

As told in pictures, I ran 6.25 miles of this:


.... in order to partake in this:


... and it was both well earned and delicious.

As soon as I started paying attention to fitness and exercise (again), it seemed that I was equally bombarded with information about how to fuel my runs: gluten free diets, soup-for-breakfast, cold pressed juices, vegan diets, and organic / non-GMO / free range / free trade (but definitely not-for-free) options. While there are merits to each, I kept coming back to this: (1) I do not like to drink my breakfasts and (2) if I am deprived of occasional extraordinary meals (which, by my definition, usually include both meat and fine wine) in the company of family and friends, well then, what's the point?

I do not have a set of "rules" nor defined "cheat days".  What I do have is a belief that sometimes a day that includes an exceptional run deserves an exceptional meal - a meal that took thought and time, prepared with the best ingredients available (preferably ones that do not sound like they came out of a chemistry lab) - a meal that may be a bit indulgent, such that you cannot enjoy it every day, but when you do, oh my!  

So, to kick off summer, it was BBQ time.  Preparations began 24 hours in advance:

Real ingredients became real biscuits ...

And we even managed to include a little color on the plate ...

Great run. Great meal. My run pairing.  Trust me, there will be more.
