Searching for running goals to guide me through 2016 prompted some serious self-examination about what motivates me most. Especially coming off of last year, if I am going to commit to something beyond a local 10k, it needs to grab me and inspire me in a very real way. I set the bar high, looking for something I could commit to wholeheartedly and without a second thought.
Read MoreLong Runs: A Love Story
Today, my husband celebrates a milestone birthday: 48. What qualifies it as a milestone you may wonder? After more than twenty-four years together, twenty-three of them as a married couple, this is the year that my husband and I officially have celebrated more birthdays together than apart. And that’s something.
Read MoreVacations Reimagined
A husband and wife went on vacation to an island together. They arrived on the same day, left on the same day, and spent every day in between together. Neither engaged in any work while they were there. The wife went on vacation for ten days, but the husband was only on vacation for six. How is this possible?
Read MoreConversations with My Father
This week’s long run coincided with Father’s Day, a day when the kids and I celebrate my husband and the gift that he is to our family, at the same time that I try to reconcile that joy with the grief that comes with my own father’s passing. So when I set out today, it was with memories of my father heavy on my mind, intent on running through neighborhoods and places where he and I shared time, confident that this solo run would bring me closer to Dad.
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