I have a shrink-wrapped cork board leaning against the wall to the right of my desk, clearly within view. It’s been standing sentinel in the same spot for months, waiting for me to deal with it and daring me to get on with it already. Its purpose is to be a vision board of sort, a place for me organize my goals, to lay them out in a way that my left-leaning brain can process and check them off, mixed together with other bits designed to spark my still developing right-brain to creativity. I look at that cork board regularly with the same dread that someone with writer’s block stares at a blinking curser on a blank screen.
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New Year: Living Your Personal Best
Running can be a big goal-oriented numbers game, pushing for that next PR. That certainly is how I began my training cycle leading to CIM. I did not just want a personal record, I wanted a moonshot qualifying time for Boston. I was determined, focused, and coached, … and then as the weeks passed I was diverted by travel, an injury, and a series of work deadlines that in combination left me questioning everything about the race including my motivation, commitment, and whether I even had it in me to finish. Vanished were my dreams of a massive PR, replaced instead with simple resolve to go out and just do my best, My Personal Best, given where I found myself in the moment.
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